
Mom Has Dressed 10-Month-Old Daughter as Nearly 100 Influential Women

Jenelle Wexler, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Official Website

She hopes to reach the 100 mark during Women's History Month.

An Illinois mother has dressed her 10-month-old daughter up as nearly 100 powerful women.

Jenelle Wexler has been dressing up her daughter, Liberty, as influential women including Frida Kahlo, Alicia Keys, Amelia Earhart and Lady Gaga since she was just 3 weeks old. 

“I just thought of all these other amazing women that should be represented and should have their stories told and it just kind of spiraled from there,” Wexler told 

Liberty’s Instagram has grown to more than 12,000 followers.

“I try to find a really good reference photo and one that we can recreate with Liberty fairly well and then I go ahead and make the outfit,” Wexler said. “The actual photo process is pretty quick. I try to get her in a good happy mood in the morning. She is very comfortable in front of the camera.”

In February for Black History Month, Liberty posed as Maya Angelou and Ruby Bridges, among other women.

Liberty is inching on up, having portrayed almost 100 women. Her mom hopes to pick someone extra special to celebrate the 100th milestone.

“I keep getting recommendations and suggestions from people and from Liberty’s followers and it’s fun so it’s always going on, always researching and getting good photo ideas,” Wexler said. “I definitely think it’s important to highlight the women we have chosen.”