Mystery Photos of Beauty Queen Charged In Husband's Alleged Murder-For-Hire Plot Sent in Unmarked Envelopes

Lindsay Shiver is charged with conspiring to kill her estranged husband in an alleged murder-for-hire plot, and it is now being revealed that she herself may have been in danger.

A shocking new twist in the case of the beauty queen accused of plotting to murder her wealthy husband.

Lindsay Shiver is charged with conspiring to kill her estranged husband in an alleged murder-for-hire plot, and it is now being revealed that she herself may have been in danger.

In a just released 911 call, Lindsay Shiver's estranged husband tells police that a mysterious envelope was delivered to his Georgia home containing a thumb drive.

"It didn't have a return to sender address or anything, and so I plugged the thumb drive in and it had all these pictures of my wife on it from about two weeks ago when we were out of the country," said Robert Shiver.

He also said a similar thumb drive was delivered to his parents' home in an unmarked envelope as well with no return address.

"And it looks like, glancing through, it was almost like a private investigator," said Robert.

He told police that the photos appeared to be taken of his wife when they went away with their three children to the Bahamas during their spring break.  

"I don't know if we have like a potential stalker or some lunatic that's in town that has been following my wife around," said Robert.

Then, just two weeks later, Robert filed for divorce and accused his wife of having an affair with Terrance Bethel, a local man she knew in the Bahamas.

That is when a feud erupted between Lindsay and the Shiver family, leading up to an incident on April 30 when Lindsay called police and claimed that her mother-in-law would not return her children.

"She was upset that he would let his parents, the children's grandparents, to actually take care of the three kids," Vinnie Politan tells Inside Edition.

Lindsay's mother-in-law meanwhile is seen on police bodycam footage telling officers  that even Lindsay's parents are worried about her mental health.

"Lindsay was not answering their phone calls all day today so they thought she had killed herself to be honest," Robin Shiver can be seen saying on the footage.

Politan, who has been following the case from the start for Court TV, says that adding to the tension was the fact that the estranged couple continued living together after they split.

"It gets much more difficult when you have decided to split and you are still co-habitating," Politan says.

He then adds: "Even if it is a $2.5 million home."

Lindsay is currently out on bail after posting the $100,000 required by the Bahamian Supreme Court. She also has to abide by an 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew and wear an ankle monitor at all times.

She has yet to publicly comment on the charges, but in an interview with, Bethel denied any wrongdoing.

"They have had both of my phones for three weeks. They've been through every single message - there's nothing there," Bethel said. "None of us have anything to hide. People are taking everything at face value and defaming us."


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