Mystery Seeds From China Are Being Found in Some US Mailboxes

Seeds have been showing up in mailboxes.
Maryland Dept. of Agriculture

The USDA is "aware that people across the country have received unsolicited packages of seed from China in recent days."

Mysterious seeds from China are being delivered to the mailboxes of residents across the US, baffling the recipients and authorities aware of the phenomenon. Agriculture officials are aware of what has happened and are telling those who have received the seeds that they may be harmful and should not be planted.

"We don't know what they are, and we cannot risk any harm whatsoever to agricultural production in the United States," Kentucky Agriculture Commissioner Ryan Quarles told CBS News. "We have the safest, most abundant food supply in the world and we need to keep it that way."

Quarles added that anyone who has received the seeds should contact the state’s agricultural headquarters.

The USDA confirmed in a statement to Reuters that it was working with the Department of Homeland Security and state officials to stop any illegal seeds entering the country and to protect American agriculture.

"According to the Better Business Bureau, foreign, third-party sellers use your address and Amazon information to generate a fake sale and positive review to boost their product ratings," Phil Wilson, director of the North Carolina’s Plant Industry Division, said in a news release.

Thus far individuals Kentucky, New York, North Carolina, Maryland and Virginia have reported receiving the mysterious seeds.