Is the Peanut Butter and Pickle Sandwich Better Than It Sounds?

The New York Times recipe has become an internet sensation since it was tweeted on April 6.

A strange new food trend is "spreading" across the web, and it is not a combination anyone would expect.

The New York Times tweeted a recipe for a peanut butter and pickle sandwich on April 6, describing the bizarre coupling as "less a recipe, more of a prod in a direction that you never considered."

The sandwich is nothing more than bread, peanut butter, and, of course, pickles.

There are a few different takes on this new, interesting sandwich and the tweets reacting to it are endless.

"…peanut butter and pickle sandwiches are not for the faint of heart," one tweet said, “Can’t tell if this is a joke or not,” read another.

But some tasters have high praise for the unusual dish, with one Twitter post describing it as "so delicious, it’s mind blowing.

While The Times has been credited with bringing the sandwich into public consciousness, some say it's nothing new.

So how does it taste? Inside Edition sent Megan Alexander to meet up with private chef, and food blogger, Eliana Goldman, to find out.

"Hey, I say don't knock it till you've tried it," Goldman said.

Goldman put the sandwich together with its basic ingredients and Megan took a bite.

"Oh no!" Alexander said while shaking her head. "I don't like it!"  

But Goldman defended the taste.

"Come on, the creaminess of the peanut butter, the crunch of the pickles, it's a little sweet, it's a little sour. What more could you ask for?"