
Pizzeria Puts Photos of Missing Pets on Its Pizza Boxes

The pizza shop owner John Sanfratello compared it to putting missing posters on milk cartons.

A New Jersey pizzeria is recruiting its hungry diners to join them on the hunt for local lost pets by putting their pictures on pizza boxes.

“You know milk cartons, they used to put missing people on it,” John Sanfratello, owner of Angelo's Pizza in Matawan, told WCBS. “I thought, why can’t we do the same but with pizza boxes?”

He explained it all started when one of his customers told him that her cat had gone missing during a storm and wanted to help out.

That’s when Sanfratello decided to stick missing flyers to his pizza boxes.

“We want to reunite pets with their owners,” he said.

The cat was found before the posters were put on the boxes, but Sanfratello said he decided to continue with his mission.

“I think it triggered a community effort by everyone,” the cat's owner, Lara May, said.

The shop has since sold nearly 500 pizzas with missing pets’ photos on the boxes, and they’re inviting anyone in the community who has lost their pet to submit a photo.