Police Bodycam Footage Shows Susan Lorincz Called Cops Many Times Before Fatally Shooting AJ Owens

“The other day [Lorincz] tells my son, ‘I’m gonna have you arrested,’” video shows Owens telling authorities.

Florida police released bodycam footage of the many times Susan Lorincz, the woman now charged with shooting her neighbor to death, called the cops.

Many of Lorincz’s complaints were about Ajike "AJ" Owens’ children.

“Every time I turn around the kids are always screaming and stuff like that,” footage shows Lorincz telling officers at her home.

“I asked them to move, they refused to move,” she said another time. “It’s this constant barrage of stupidity,” she told cops.

One video shows Owens talking to deputies after her children were accused of walking their dog on Lorincz’s property.

“The other day she tells my son, ‘I’m gonna have you arrested,’” video shows Owens telling authorities.

Deputies seemed exasperated over Lorincz's constant calls. One video showed an officer whispering the word ‘psycho’ after a visit to her home.

Deputies attempted to mediate the dispute between the two neighbors.

“We tried to tell them just to stay over there, you stay over here. You’ll keep to yourselves,” deputies told Lorincz.

The feud came to a fatal end when Owens confronted Lorincz for allegedly yelling at her children and throwing an iPad at them. Lorincz is accused of opening fire through her front door. 

Lorincz has been charged with manslaughter and assault, not murder, as Owens' family had hoped. Lorincz is in jail on a $150,000 bond and has pled not guilty.

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