Proud Mom Rents Billboard in Daughter's New Jersey Hometown to Celebrate Her Becoming a Doctor

“This was a major accomplishment, and I wanted her to know how special she was,” Kendra Busbee tells Inside Edition.

A proud New Jersey mom rented a billboard to celebrate her daughter receiving a doctorate in psychology. 

“I had to go big or go home,” Kendra Busbee told Inside Edition.

Busbee’s daughter, Kristine Smalls, just graduated from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. 

Busbee picked a billboard on a busy highway in her hometown of Camden, New Jersey. “Let me re-introduce myself…Dr. Kristine S. Smalls. Look what good came out of Camden,” the sign reads.

“This was a major accomplishment, and I wanted her to know how special she was,” Busbee said.

The doting mom paid over just $1,200 to rend the digital billboard for one month. 

Smalls couldn’t be more thrilled. “I think she’s the best mom in the world,” she said.

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