Reward in Killings of Delphi Teens Libby German and Abby Williams Rises to $325K Thanks to Anonymous Donor

The 4-year-old case is still unsolved. Hopefully, the increase in award money will be enticing enough for someone to come forward and help authorities.

It’s been four years since the murders in Delphi, Indiana made headlines, and now there’s even more incentive for someone to come forward and help authorities solve the case.

In February 2017, 14-year-old Libby German and 13-year-old Abby Williams went for a walk in the woods in their small town in Indiana and never returned home. The next day, their bodies were found.

Investigators later released a video found on Libby's phone of what they believed was the killer. They hoped that someone would recognize him by the way that he walked and talked. But to date, the case remains unsolved.

Now, four years later, an anonymous donor has added $100,000 to the reward fund in hopes of finding a suspect in the murders of Libby and Abby. That now puts the total reward at $325,000

Tips and information can be called into the Indiana State Police at 844-459-5786.