Social Media Goes Gaga Over Kamala Harris' Grandnieces After They Appear Onstage With Vice President-Elect

The grandnieces of Kamala Harris wore matching white dresses.
The grandnieces of Kamala Harris wore matching white dresses. Meena Harris/Twitter

The little girls, wearing matching white dresses and Doc Martens, appeared with Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris onstage Saturday night.

Two little girls who happen to have a famous auntie are now social media darlings. The auntie, who also happens to be Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, appeared onstage Saturday night with her grandnieces, who rocked white Doc Martens and matching white lace dresses.

They are the children of Harris' niece, Meena Harris, a best-selling children's book author and lawyer. The girls have been frequently seen with their great aunt during political appearances. 

On Saturday night, Kamala Harris and President-elect Joe Biden gave acceptance speeches before an adoring drive-in crowd after becoming the projected winners of the much-contested 2020 election.

“While I may be the first woman in this office, I will not be the last,” Harris told the cheering and honking audience in Wilmington, Delaware. “Because every little girl watching tonight sees that this is a country of possibilities.”

Harris, in a nod of appreciation to suffragists who wore head-to-toe white, chose an ivory pantsuit. 

Afterward, Meena Harris posted a photo of Kamala Harris, the first woman and first person of color to win the office of vice president, celebrating with the girls. The caption read "VICE PRESIDENT AUNTIE."

Days earlier, social media had also erupted over a video posted by Meena Harris of her 4-year-old, Amara Ajagu, having a candid conversation with the Democratic vice presidential candidate.

Sitting on her great aunt's lap, Amara is asking about her chances of living in the White House.

"You could be president," Harris tells Amara. "But not right now, you have to be over the age of 35." 

The child has even bigger ambitions. "I know I could be an astronaut president." 

"This conversation went on for like an hour," Meena Harris wrote on her post.