Spring Cleaning Tips, Including Music to Listen to and Best Ways to Tidy and Freshen Up Your Space

As most Americans begin spring cleaning, we have tips from cleaning expert Caroline Solomon that may come in handy while tackling your spaces that need de-cluttering and tidying.

Most Americans agree: the time to spring clean is upon us. More than half of all Americans are vacuuming, dusting and mopping away. In fact, 59% of Americans report that they’re tidying up their homes right now, spending on average four days and 19 minutes cleaning and organizing their houses for the new season.  

If you find spring cleaning overwhelming, these songs, which are the top three people report listening to when they’re cleaning, might help.  

Katy Perry’s “Roar,” Bon Jovi’s “Living on a Prayer” and Flo Rida’s “Good Feeling” all come in at the top of people’s cleaning playlists.  

Now that you’ve got your music sorted, cleaning expert Caroline Solomon has some tips that may come in handy while tackling your spaces that need de-cluttering and tidying.  

Dip wooden spoons in boiling water for 20 minutes to truly get them clean, Solomon advises. 

Toothpaste makes a handy silver polish, and to clean window screens in a jiffy, dip a broom in soapy water and then use it to give them a good scrubbing. Then, use a leaf blower to blow away stubborn dust and pollen, Solomon says.  

Fresh up your walls by mixing a cup of white vinegar in a gallon of water. take a towel and wrap it around a Swiffer broom, dip it in the solution and gently run it over your walls.  

“The Swiffer allows get the high places,” Solomon says, noting that you then won’t need a ladder or chair.  

Shake out winter odors with baking soda by sprinkling it around and letting it sit for 30 minutes before vacuuming it up.  

Finally, fresh plants help clean the air, she says.  

And there are more benefits than just having a tidy home. Fifty-four percent of people say cleaning boosts their mood and 49% claim it reduces stress.

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