Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito Faces Outrage Over Flag Flown Outside His Vacation Home

Some Democrats are calling for Justice Alito to recuse himself from two January 6 cases pending before the high court.

Conservative Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito is facing uproar over flags being flown outside his homes.

Days after The New York Times revealed an upside-down American flag was flown outside his home in Virginia, The Times reported that “An Appeal to Heaven” flag was spotted at Alito’s vacation home. The flag dates back to the Revolutionary War when it was commissioned by George Washington.

The “An Appeal to Heaven” flag was adopted in 2020 by “Stop the Steal” advocates and carried by rioters at the capitol on January 6, 2021. It has been labeled a “MAGA battle flag,” by Democratic Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse.

Neighbors of the Alitos on Long Beach Island on the Jersey shore spotted the flag flying prominently outside the justice’s $2 million waterfront home last summer, The New York Times reported. The flag stayed there through August as the Supreme Court was hearing arguments on cases related to the January 6 riots.

Edward Caruso, who lives a couple of doors away from the Alitos’ beach home, tells Inside Edition, “If [the flag is] in favor of what happened on January 6, I would be opposed to it.

Some Democrats are calling for Justice Alito to recuse himself from two January 6 cases pending before the high court. Some Republicans have voice support for Alito.

“I think it is outrageous, outrageous, and unacceptable for people to take a flag from the American Revolution and say that because some January 6 protesters flew it, that it's now unacceptable to fly that flag,” former national security adviser John Bolton told CNN.

House Speaker Mike Johnson displays the flag outside of his office. He called it, “George Washington’s flag.”

Alito has not yet responded to the new flag outrage. He has said that his wife hoisted the upside-down American flag after an argument with a neighbor.

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