Weatherman Lashes Out at 'Bachelorette' Fans for Whining About Interruption for Storm Coverage

He snapped after "Bachelorette" viewers complained the show being interrupted to broadcast tornado warnings.

A weatherman lashed out at viewers on live TV after fans of “The Bachelorette” posted complaints on social media that Monday night’s episode was interrupted by emergency coverage of tornadoes in the Ohio area. 

“This is a dangerous situation, OK!" meteorologist Jamie Simpson said as he delivered the weather warnings. "I’m done with you people, I really am. This is pathetic."

The Fox 45 meteorologist said the whining started nearly immediately online after the station cut in with live coverage. 

“I was just checking social media; we have viewers complaining already, ‘Just go back to the show.' No, we're not going back to the show, folks,” Simpson said. “Our job here is to keep people safe, and that is what we're going to do. Some of you complained that this is all about my ego.

"Stop," he continued. "It's not."

The swarm of tornadoes carved a path of destruction through the area.

Even the Bachelorette herself, Hannah Brown, was on the side of the weatherman, tweeting, “thanks Dayton, Ohio for the love, but be safe. Naders are no joke.” 

Simpson later apologized for his rant. 

"Alright, I’m sorry I did that, it just really bothers me that we have people that don't care about other people's safety around here,” he said.