Why This Nanny Says She Had to Steal Her Employers' Cat

Rebecca Katz — yes, that's her real name — faces petty larceny charges.

This New York nanny is willing to got to jail for a cat, and it's not even hers. 

Rebecca Katz — yes, that's her real name — faces petty larceny charges after she swiped her former Long Island employers' cat, Tigger, claiming that the family had threatened to put the 15-year-old animal to sleep

Katz, 33, said the mother of the family more than once said it was time to give the feline "the needle" because he had stomach and other health issues. Katz said she offered to take the cat in, but the family declined. 

"She said, 'Yeah he's going to be put down, say goodbye to him,'" Katz told Inside Edition.

So she took matters into her own hands, quitting her job earlier this month and taking Tigger with her. 

"I left a note saying, 'I'm sorry, I can't let you do this, I have to take him, I know he's not sick,'" Katz said.

The family went to police and Katz ended up turning herself in. But she stands by her decision nonetheless, adding that she's willing to go to jail for Tigger. 

Tigger's owners declined to comment. As for Katz? She gets to keep Tigger until the case is resolved.