Woman Seen Shooting at Car With 2-Year-Old Boy Inside in Latest Road Rage Incident

In 2021, 500 people were killed or wounded in road rage incidents, making it the worst year on record.

Road rage incidents are rising across the country, and a recent occurrence in Texas is one of the wildest yet.

Nazly Ortiz, 40, and 34-year-old Benjamin Greene are being called a real life Bonnie and Clyde after Ortiz allegedly pulled out a gun and shot at a car twice, with a 2-year-old boy in the backseat.   

The scary confrontation in Houston that was caught on video. The duo were quickly arrested by local police. Ortiz was charged with aggravated assault, and Greene was charged with assault.

In 2021, 500 people were killed or wounded in road rage incidents, making it the worst year on record.

In Portland, Oregon, police say a rage-filled gunman in a black BMW shot dead 45-year-old father of three Dennis Anderson. His partner, who was in the passenger seat at the time, spoke to Inside Edition, although she asked not to be identified. 

“They pulled up parallel to us and just started shooting with two hands. They had the gun in two hands and there was a lot of bullets. I was still in my seatbelt in the passenger side. I couldn't get out. I was trying to dial 911 and I kept dialing 119,” 

Astoundingly, the victim’s use of a windshield washer is believed to trigger the road rage murder, after some of the spray apparently landed on the car behind him. Police say that trivial incident was enough to get the driver so mad he was ready to kill. 

“I don't know how you can sleep knowing that you did something like this,” the victim’s partner said. 

In Los Angeles, an angry driver fired a blast of bear spray in the face of another driver over an incident at a stop sign. 

AAA’s Robert Sinclair says the upsurge in road rage is partly due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We're all on edge as a result of being cooped up for the past two years because of COVID. And when we take that attitude out on the road, we engage in bad driving behavior,” Sinclair said. 

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