Bagel Shop Worker Drives Over 6 Hours to Return Customer's Keys

Diana Chong is grateful and says she is a Bagels 101 customer for life.

Diana Chong is overwhelmed by the kindness of Vinny Proscia, the manager of Bagels 101 in Long Island, New York, who drove over six hours to give her something she left behind.  

Chong left her car running when she stopped in the shop for some bagels last week. She then got back in her car and drove off for northeast Pennsylvania to have dinner with friends, three-and-a-half hours away. After arriving at her destination, she realized she had a big problem: she had left her car keys behind at the bagel shop. Because her car has an electronic key, once she turned her car off she wouldn't be able to turn it back on without the key with her.

After Chong called Bagels 101, Proscia didn't hesitate to help. “I will just drive them to you," he told Chong.

Chong was shocked by his offer, but Proscia didn't think anything of it.

“That is what I was always taught, if I am able to help — help," he told Inside Edition. 

Diana Chong is grateful and says she is a Bagels 101 customer for life.