Bride and Groom Play Bucs-Patriots Game at Their Wedding So Guests Wouldn't Miss Tom Brady's Return

Instead of moving the wedding date, they decided to embrace the overlap and brought a huge TV screen on the dance floor to show the game live on their special day.

When New England Patriots fans Cameron and Melissa set the date for their wedding more than a year ago, they had no idea it would fall on the same day as Tom Brady’s historic return as a member of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. 

They started getting calls from friends who were unwilling to miss the game for their wedding, but they understood.

Instead of moving the wedding date, they decided to embrace the overlap and brought a huge TV screen on the dance floor to show the game live on their special day. They even told guests on their wedding invite of the plans.

“For me it was perfect, because I don’t like to dance anyway,” Cameron told Inside Edition.

And Melissa said she didn’t mind sharing her special day.

“It was never a question of sharing that, it was just ‘Great, I get to watch the football game at my wedding. That’s awesome,’” Melissa said.

Once the game got going, the wedding guests as well as the crowd at Gillette Stadium returned their allegiance to the home team. Brady and the Bucs won 19-17. 

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