Canadian Woman Rescues Bee With One Wing, Becomes Its Bee-FF

Beetrice now lives in a makeshift habitat filled with tunnels and fresh flowers.

Beetrice the bee may have one wing, but she's got a Canadian woman watching her back.

Ashlie Lennox, 22, of Kelowna, British Columbia, and Beetrice the one-winged bee are inseparable.

“I’ll let her explore [flowers], let her run around in the grass,” Lennox told “I bring her with me if I’m going to friends’ houses. They’ll be like, ‘Want to come over?’ and I’ll be like, ‘Can I bring my bee?’”

She explained their relationship began last month, when she noticed a bee on the concrete near her pool.

“I saw this big fluff ball on the concrete so I picked her up and stuck her in the flower pot,” Lennox said. I tried to give her some sugar water first but she wouldn’t take it […] then I noticed she was missing a wing."

Lennox said she left it alone the rest of the day, but when she returned the following day to see the bee was still in distress, she decided to lend a hand.

“We were both really scared of each other at first,” Lennox explained. “I would go to touch her and she would immediately go on her back, arms out, […] her butt was pulsing, it looked like she wanted to sting me. I would back away.”

Using a spoon and gloves, Lennox carefully re-homed the bee. She built a little habitat for her new friend Beetrice inside a plastic container, filled with tunnels, caves and fresh flowers.

“Eventually when I started handling her more, she got more comfortable with me,” Lennox said. “She started crawling on me and then eventually she got to the point where I’d stick my finger to her and she’d crawl on me.”

Lennox said she tries to bring her new one-winged friend to stop and smell the roses, literally, any chance she gets, and at night, Beetrice tucks away in her makeshift hive.

“She’s living a good bee life, I’d like to think,” Lennox said.


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