Cesar Millan Takes On Bull Terrier Who's Bitten Owner More Than 20 Times

The dog whisperer agrees to train one owner's savage bull terrier.

Cesar Millan has agreed to help one Cleveland family whose bull terrier is terrorizing its owners. 

Adrienne Fragatos is Frankie's owner, and the dog lives with her and her folks in Cleveland, Ohio, but has made their lives hell. 

“I am terrified of Frankie,” Fragatos told Inside Edition.

Fragatos' mother said that "90 percent of the time" the dog can be sweet but "then she turns and you don't know what she is going to do." 

The dog has bitten Adrienne more than 20 times, leaving her with cuts and scars all over her body. The dog even took her father’s cane and chewed it up;Fragatos' dad used the cane to protect himself from Frankie. 

Frankie even attacked Inside Edition’s camera crew while they were filming the story. 

Frankie wasn't always a nightmare dog; she was a sweet puppy when Adrienne first got her but at 5 months she became aggressive and territorial.

Fragatos said she has tried dog trainers, energy healers and medication, but nothing has worked. She had to quit her job to take care of Frankie full-time.

But her parents have had enough and they want Fragatos to have Frankie put to sleep.

“I love her,” she said. “I don’t want to give up on her.” 

One thing that actually calms the dog down is watching episodes of “The Dog Whisperer,” and now Millan, the host, has agreed to take Frankie on. 

“It means so much to me to save anybody, especially a dog,” he told Fragatos. “I'm so excited about your case because you have done everything backward.”

Millan said “it is never too late for a dog” to recover. 

“This is a dream come true for me and I so appreciate it,” Fragatos said.