Connie Chung Reveals She Was Sexually Assaulted by Doctor Who Delivered Her

The legendary newscaster shared her jarring #MeToo story this week.

It's a heartbreaking revelation from Connie Chung, who has admitted she was once sexually assaulted. 

In an open letter to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford that was published in The Washington Post this week, the legendary TV news anchor says she was molested in her early 20's by a family doctor she had gone to for her first birth control prescription.
“It was the 1960s. I was in college. The exact date and year are fuzzy. But details of the event are vivid — seared in my memory. He drew the curtain, asking me to remove my clothes below the waist,” she wrote. 

Chung also wrote that she never told her folks about what happened. 

“I don't remember saying anything to him. I couldn't even look at him. I quickly got dressed and drove home. At the time, I think I may have told one of my sisters. I certainly didn't tell my parents," she wrote. 

She says the betrayal was particularly devastating because she had known the physician her entire life. He was the doctor who had delivered her when she was born. 

Connie Chung went on to have a hugely successful TV career by becoming the first woman to co-anchor the “CBS Evening News” in 1993. Now 72, she says she decided to speak out after Dr. Ford , who has accused Supreme Court pick Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, was mocked by President Trump for not remembering more details of what happened to her.

“I'm writing to you, Christine, because I know that exact dates, exact years are insignificant. We remember exactly what happened to us and who did it to us. We remember the truth forever,” Chung wrote. 

Ellen DeGeneres has also come forward with a #MeToo story, saying she was abused at 15 and can relate to Dr. Ford.

“As a victim of sexual abuse, you don’t remember those things,” the talk show host said. “What you remember is what happened to you, where you were and how you feel. That's what you remember, so many watching this, so angry — how dare you not believe us."