
Dirty Johns: 45% of Americans Say They Wear Underwear for 2 Days or Longer

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Underwear company Tommy John says that women are more prone than men to health issues from unclean underwear.

Like receiving an unexpected wedgie as a kid from the schoolyard bully, a new survey shows a surprising number of Americans do not change their underwear for two days or longer. 

Underwear company Tommy John recently surveyed 2,000 Americans to see how long they don their underwear. 

Of the participants interviewed, they found that 45 percent had worn the same pair for two days in a row or more, while 13 percent say they donned the same pair for a week or more. 

Tommy John also discovered that men are 2.5 times as likely to rock their underwear for more than a week as women. The company says that “America could use an underwear overhaul.” 

The survey also found some skid marks as 38 percent of the men and women questioned did not know how long they have owned their oldest pair of drawers while 46 percent say they have owned the same pair for a year or more. Tommy John says you should exchange old under garments for new ones every six months to a year. 

Tommy John says that a recent study explains that 10,000 bacteria can be living in your old underwear even after being washed. The bacteria can lead to illnesses like yeast infections and urinary tract infections. 

The company says that women are more prone than men to health issues from unclean underwear.