
Giant Skeleton Stripper Pole-Dancing in Halloween Display Upsets Utah Town

This Halloween display did not go over well with the City of Grantsville in Utah.City of Grantsville/Facebook

A giant skeleton pole-dancing on a street sign prompts a social media blowout of boos after town orders it removed.

A chorus of boos has greeted a Utah city's order to remove a residential Halloween display featuring a giant skeleton  pole-dancing with a street sign.

In a now-deleted Facebook post, the city of Grantsville displayed a photo of the offending sight, which showed a skeleton stripper in a purple wig hanging upside down from a street sign while two bony admirers sat in lawn chairs holding dollar bills.

"Displays like this are not acceptable," the city wrote last week. "You have until 9pm tonight (October 18) to take down your decorations or they will be removed by the city," the post read. "It is against city code to attach anything to a street sign."

Homeowner Christopher Fujishin responded by doubling down.

He removed the exotic skeleton dancer from the street sign and transferred her to his front lawn, where he added more skeletal spectators, flashing lights, music and a freestanding pole. Then his neighbors started bringing over their skeletons.

The outdoor exhibit also lit up the internet, where posters accused Grantsville of having no funny bone.

"Oh Grantsville, get a sense of humor. This is literally theeeee funniest thing ever," one woman posted on the city's Facebook page.

"Have a seat next to the skeletons and have some fun for once," wrote another poster.

"This is my absolute favorite decoration ever!!!! They switch it up and it’s hilarious! Why are people so uptight. Maybe laugh a little," said another Facebook user.

Fujishin said his Halloween decorations were never meant to offend.

"If your kids understand what that is, maybe the problem's not the skeleton dancing on the pole," he told KSTU-TV. "Maybe it's something else." 

The view "may be a little risqué for some people but it's all in the name of fun," he added.

Inside Edition Digital has reached out to the city's mayor for comment.

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