Herman Cain Tweets From Beyond the Grave to Slam Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

Herman Cain died from coronavirus in July.
Herman Cain died in July after battling coronavirus.Twitter

Trump supporter Herman Cain's Twitter account is attacking Biden and Harris, though Cain died last month.

Trump enthusiast Herman Cain died two weeks ago, but his Twitter account is alive and well and blasting Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden and running mate Kamala Harris.

"Joe Biden's history with race is a minefield," reads the posthumous tweet posted Wednesday. Cain died July 30 from COVID-19 after attending a controversial Trump rally in Tulsa without wearing a mask and failing to follow social distancing guidelines.

The new tweets appeared to rattle some some social media users, and to enliven others.

"Dude you're dead," wrote one poster. "Fess up, who said "Herman Cain" three times into a mirror?" posted another. "Herman Cain is apparently tweeting from the dead," noted author Don Winslow.

“So, let me get this straight. You think the Biden candidacy is going to be nuts and you're saying this FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE SINCE YOU DIED TWO WEEKS AGO,” wrote comedian Sarah Cooper.

Cain's family has said relatives would continue to use the 2012 GOP candidate's social accounts to promote his conservative ideals.

"Hello. I’m Dr. Melanie Cain Gallo, and I am proud to say that Herman Cain was my dad. He believed in using his voice to teach, enlighten and give hope," his daughter wrote this week. "It’s one of the ways he used this web site every day, and he wouldn’t have wanted that work to stop with his passing."

Cain was a Tea Party activist and was the co-chair of "Black Voices for Trump." The president briefly considered him for the top post at the Federal Reserve last year before Cain withdrew from consideration after several Congress members said they would not vote for him.

Biden announced Tuesday his choice of Sen. Kamala Harris of California as his Democratic choice for vice president. She is the first Black and South Asian American woman in U.S. history to occupy a spot on a major party presidential ticket.

Trump wasted no time in deriding her, calling her "nasty."

On Wednesday, the Trump campaign sent a fundraising email quoting the president that opened, "Kamala Harris is the meanest, most horrible, most disgraceful, MOST LIBERAL of anyone in the U.S. Senate and I cannot believe that Joe Biden would pick her as his running mate."

The note prompted some to post on social media that it sounded like a schoolyard rant.

"Please get me out of kindergarten," wrote actress Kristen Johnston.