Kris Kringles-to-Be Attend 'Santa School' to Hone Their Holly Jolly Skills Ahead of Christmas Season

The crash course offers makeup tutorials and lessons in chanting "ho ho ho" to help their students prepare for Christmas-related gigs.

Being Santa Claus doesn’t come easily – but for those who are determined to learn, there’s a class for it.

Actor Silvio Ribeiro hosts a days-long crash course on how to become Santa in Brazil – a long way from the North Pole.

Aspiring Santas can learn to interact with kids, how to put on makeup and how to chant “ho ho ho” in the jolliest manner possible.

The lessons also emphasize how to act appropriately with children during a season that’s bound to come with many kisses and hugs.

Ribeiro, who owns a casting agency called  Claus Production, said he conceptualized the course in 1976 and has dozens of trainee Santas and their assistants go through the course every year.

He said he hopes to arm his graduates with the skills to land Christmas-related gigs, that can earn up to $150 for a five-hour shift depending on the employer.