Narco-Submarine Carrying 2 Tons of Cocaine Is Intercepted by Colombian Navy

The Columbian Navy spotted a narco-sub off the coat of the Pacific, and discovered almost $70 million dollars worth of drugs.

The Colombian Navy busted a "narco-submarine" that was carrying two tons of cocaine.

After spotting a craft on the Pacific Coast, a patrol boat from the Colombian navy was able to intercept.

Authorities found three people, and two tons of cocaine inside around 2,000 small packages. 

"Interdicting these drugs helps bring hope, stability and economic prosperity to the Western Hemisphere, a neighborhood that we share with so many partner nations that are also committed to the rule of law and democratic values," said U.S. Coast Guard Vice Admiral Steven Poulin, Atlantic Area Commander. 

"Together, we will disrupt, defeat and degrade transnational organized crime.

"Drug trafficking organizations are ruthless and highly adaptable,” he continued. "We will remain adaptable and we will never relent."

The 30-foot long vessel was holding an estimated value of $68 million dollars worth of substances.

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