NYPD Officers Help Deliver Baby Girl on the Side of the Road

The baby was in good health.

NYPD officers helped deliver an Easter baby on the side of the road.

The father-to-be called 911 Sunday from the intersection of 92nd street and York Avenue, where his wife had just gone in to labor.

“We were flagged down by the husband that was already with her at the driver’s side of the vehicle and pretty much delivering the baby in labor at that moment,” Stephan Koustoubardis said. “I stepped in and assisted the husband."

The parents had been on their way to the hospital at 8 a.m. when they realized they weren't going to make it.

Another officer, who has only been on the force for eight months, said it was definitely a first for him.

"We don’t normally handle these situations and it feels great directly bringing life into this world," Officer Vincent Ching said.

The entire delivery lasted 30 minutes. The father of the baby girl said he was thankful for the officers' help.