Panicked Pup Runs to Safety After Jumping Out of Car Window and Into Traffic on Los Angeles Freeway

In the end, the dog makes a narrow escape and her concerned owner is able to quickly pull over and grab Sophie, getting some help from a good Samaritan who stopped his car as well when he saw the pup.

It is a shocking video.

A puppy named Sophie leaps out the window of a moving car on a busy Los Angeles freeway.

The dog then lands right into speeding traffic, and heads directly towards an oncoming 18-wheeler.

In the end, the dog makes a narrow escape and her concerned owner is able to quickly pull over and grab Sophie, getting some help from a good Samaritan who stopped his car as well when he saw the pup.

The dog's owner says Sophie was in the front seat of his Tesla when he rolled down the window to let in some air.

That's what he says the dog suddenly leapt out of the car.

Sophie is now safe at home and owner Ryan Cramer tells Inside Edition that the fractured hip she suffered during her escapade is completely healed.


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