Pennsylvania Trooper Remains on Force After 4 Fatal Shootings Over 15 Years: Inside Edition Investigation

"After two [fatal shootings] don't you say, 'Wait a minute here,'" Angelo Ardo tells Inside Edition's Lisa  Guerrero. "It should have stopped after the second one. Not three, and not four."

"This guy should not have still been employed with a weapon."

That is what Autumn Krouse had to say about Pennsylvania Trooper Jay Splain after learning that her brother was the fourth person the former "Officer of the Year" had shot in the line of duty.

Splain fatally shot Joseph Rotkewicz, 37, in July 2007; Anthony Ardo, 47, in May 2017; Charity Thome, 42, in March 2020; and Andy Dzwonchyk, 40, in November 2021. All four shootings were found to be justified, by prosecutors and a grand jury.

"They got right out of their cars and they just started shooting, they didn't even give him a chance," Ardo's sister tells Inside Edition of the moment Splain fatally shot her brother.

Dashcam footage of the incident shows Splain firing on Ardo's car from behind. The shooting takes place moments after Splain exits his cruiser.

Ardo's father Angelo is in disbelief that this man could still have a job.

"After two [fatal shootings] don't you say, 'Wait a minute here,'" Angelo tells Inside Edition chief investigative correspondent Lisa  Guerrero. "It should have stopped after the second one. Not three, and not four."

The family's lawyer, Anthony DiJiacomo, echoes that sentiment.

"I'm blown away that after four killings, this officer is still in the field," he tells Inside Edition.

Splain did not return Inside Edition’s request for comment.

After Splain did not return Inside Edition’s requests for comment, Inside Edition attempted to speak to Splain in public but he called in backup and had another trooper pull over Guerrero and the investigative team, ordering them to "stay in the car."

The trooper informed Inside Edition that Splain is "not here and not available."

Splain asked the trooper to tell Inside Edition that "he has nothing to say to you now or ever."

Inside Edition also tried to speak with Lebanon County District Attorney Pier Hess Graf, who cleared Splain in the two most recent shootings.

Hess Graf, whose husband of 15 years is a state police corporal who worked in the same barracks as Splain during the first fatal shooting that was investigated by her office, said in a report that her office followed its conflict-of-interest policy and that her husband “played no role” in her ruling that the shootings justified.

"I have no comment on any of this," Graf tells Inside Edition. She then repeats this and adds: "You can read our report."

Splain also denies any wrongdoing in court documents filed in connection with the wrongful death lawsuit Ardo's family has filed against the man who fatally shot their son and brother.


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