People in New York City Burn Away Bad 2021 Memories With a 'Good Riddance Day' Bonfire in Times Square

Times Square in New York City celebrated "Good Riddance Day" for the 15th year.

2021 — just burn it all up. These people are saying good riddance to the year while hoping for better days.

Times Square in New York City celebrated "Good Riddance Day" for the 15th year by incinerating the flops, failures, and forget-about-it moments of 2021.

"I want to get rid of the people in my life who don't make me feel like my best self," Rhode Island resident Keira Myers said. "I'm burning toxic men away," Florence Sirico, a New York resident, added.

In years past, bad memories went into a paper shredder, but 2021 deserved a special sort of punishment. "We are burning the negativity from the previous year," one person said.

While everyone there had some memory they'd like to commit to one of Dante's fiery circles, one frontline ICU nurse from Nashville burned up two years of COVID-19 trauma.

"And being the only person there when these people die is the worst part of my job," they said. "And I just want it to end." 

A giant bonfire could be an excellent way to burn up last year's bad vibes. But like New York City, those who do so should have a firefighter on standby.

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