Queso-Loving Baby Proudly Licks Cheese Off His Plate

“Who doesn’t want to lick their queso? Come on,” his dad joked.

Not many people love queso quite as much as 20-month-old Koen Smith.

The boy from Texas was caught on camera slurping up the remnants of the dip with his tongue.

“That might have been the first plate-licking experience,” his dad Rick Smith joked. “With any baby, you never know what they’re going to like and he took to the queso.”

Smith, 40, explained they were out with their family at hotel restaurant in Dallas when his wife ordered some queso for the table.

“He ran out of chips and was like, ‘Hey, I don’t want to waste this queso,’ and started eating it wit his hands,” Smith explained. “Until there was no more queso to eat with his hands and he started to lick it up.”

Smith said they were surprised by Koen's reaction but understood the temptation.

“Who doesn’t want to lick their queso? Come on,” his dad joked.

Even though the tot looked pretty cheesy during the video, Smith said it was a breeze to clean up.

“Pro parenting tip, we carry baby wipes with us all the time,”  he said. “We gave him a little rub down with the baby wipes and he was good to go.”