Rookie Police Officer Heroically Drags Man From Burning Car on California Highway

A camera in a responding fire-department vehicle caught the whole rescue. 

A rookie police officer's training came in handy when he helped pull a driver from a burning car. The incident happened in San Jose, California.

Officer Pedro Garcia was driving down the highway when he came upon a traffic accident and saw the car on fire.

Officials say the driver was slumped over the steering wheel, unconscious, and the flames had fused his shoes to the floor of the car. 

Officer Garcia grabbed the man under his arms in what’s known as a dummy lift and dragged him away from the car. 

A camera in a responding fire-department vehicle caught the whole rescue. 

The driver was taken to the hospital with smoke inhalation and minor injuries. 

Officer Garcia was not injured and is now being hailed a hero for his quick thinking and bravery after going into such a dangerous situation. 

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