Turkey Man Declared World's Tallest in 2009 May Have a Challenger in Ghana

Now reports say a man from Ghana is challenging him for his record, claiming to be over 9 feet tall, but until Guinness can verify the claim, Sultan Kösen is still king.

Sultan Kösen has been the Guinness world record holder for the title of tallest living man since 2009.

He towers over most people with his stature of 8 feet, 2.8 inches. Guinness says his growth spurt didn’t start until he was 10 years old due to a tumor that damaged his pituitary gland.

That caused it to excrete excessive amounts of the growth hormone.

Now reports say a man from Ghana is challenging him for his record, claiming to be over 9-feet tall, but until Guinness can verify the claim, Sultan is still king.

Kösen’s height led to him leaving school early, but ever since he was certified as the tallest living man, he has been able to fulfill some lifelong dreams, like traveling the world.

He’s even a cultural ambassador for his native country, Turkey.

Coincidentally, the Guinness World record holder for tallest living woman is also from Turkey. Rumeysa Gelgi measures in at just over 7 feet tall.

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