Twitter Will Not Archive Tweets From Former President Donald Trump's Suspended Twitter Account

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Twitter will work with the the National Archives and Record Administration (NARA) to preserve data the public will have access to.

The tweets that former President Trump sent out on his Twitter platform until his account was permanently suspended will no longer be preserved on the popular platform but instead housed with the National Archives and Record Administration (NARA), CBS News reported. 

A Twitter spokesperson spoke on what the public can expect.

”Given that we have permanently suspended @realDonaldTrump, the content from the account will not appear on Twitter as it did previously or as archived administration accounts do currently, regardless of how NARA decides to display the data it has preserved," a Twitter spokesperson said.

The @POTUS45 account, which was the official government page for the president, as well as the official @WhiteHouse45 account, are both archived on Twitter as well.

NARA told CBS in a statement that they work closely with Twitter and other social media platforms to maintain archived social accounts from each presidential administration. They said the public will have access to all the social media content Trump sent out including blocked and deleted tweets. 

They also said that "ultimately the platform owners can decline to host these accounts.” The NAA added, “Twitter is solely responsible for the decision of what content is available on their platform.”

Trump’s personal page will not be archived, CBS reported.

Twitter has kept a record of several institutional government accounts, including those that belong to former White House press secretaries Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Kayleigh McEnany. 

On Jan. 8, two days Trump supporters, including numerous extremist groups, stormed the U.S. Capitol, which resulted in the deaths of five people, Trump’s Twitter account was permanently banned over "risk of further incitement of violence," CBS reported in a previous story. 

The decision for his removal from the popular platform garnered praise from organizations including the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and Muslim Advocates, CNN reported. Ned Segal, Twitter’s chief financial officer, told CNBC that even if Trump were to return to power his tweeting privileges would not be restored. “The way our policies work, when you’re removed from the platform, you’re removed from the platform,” Segal said, The Guardian reported. 

Trump wasn't the first president to use Twitter but archrival experts told CBS News that preserving digital records are still a challenge. Rachel Vogt, president of the society of American archivists said “innovative resources are necessary to preserve digital content in perpetuity.”

Another challenge is figuring out what to use and what not to use. As far as Trump’s tweets go, figuring out whether the retweets or tweets liked by Trump should be part of the archived record, she said, is an important consideration.