Wallet Lost 65 Years Ago Found Behind Movie Theater Bathroom Wall and Returned to Family

The wallet proved to be a time capsule filled with photos and memories. “It’s such a gift. It has been an amazing gift,” the daughter of the wallet’s owner says.

Workers discovered a wallet that had been missing for 65 years as an old movie theatre was being renovated. While they searched for the woman who lost it, what they found inside proved to be a real time capsule.

“We discover a little piece of the wall fell out,” owner of The Plaza Theater, Chris Escobar, tells Inside Edition. “And then we see this space behind the wall that no one knew about.” 

It was filled with dusty junk, but buried in the corner was something very special: a wallet filled with memories.

“This wallet was really a time capsule. It was chock-full of everything from receipts and insurance cards and library cards,” Chris says.

The contents of the card belonged to “Mrs. Roy Culbreth.”

“I immediately did a Google search and was able to find Roy Culbreth’s obituary,” Nicole Escobar, also an owner of the theater in Atlanta, says. “From there we were able to find out that his wife’s name was Floy, which was so adorable, Roy and Floy,” 

Floy Culbreth had lost her waller in 1958 while on a date with Roy. The movie that played that night was “Around the World in 80 Days.”

Chris and Nicole used social media to get in touch with the Culbreth family and shared photos to let them know they had found something that belonged to them.

Floy Culbreth’s family went to the movie theater to collect her wallet 65 years after she lost it there.

Along with her ID, the wallet contained many photos of Floy’s loved ones, including her son, Jim, and daughter, Thea.

“Opening up the contents and just absolutely seeing so much of Mother in there was overwhelming. I mean, it was her library card, she loved to read, and I remember as a little girl going to the library with Mother,” Thea tells Inside Edition. “It’s brought so many memories back that we haven’t thought about in so long.”

Floy died in 2005 at the age of 87. The time capsule opened a window into a beloved mom’s life from long ago.

“It’s such a gift. It has been an amazing gift,” Thea says. 

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