Washington Couple's Dog Found Alive and Reunited With Owners 6 Days After Landslide Destroys Home

The couple didn't have landslide insurance. A GoFundMe has been set up to help them.

Six days after a devastating landslide destroyed a couple’s home in Washington, one of their dogs was miraculously discovered alive. 

The disaster happened after torrential rain lifted the family home off its foundation and sent it sliding.

“It just came down,” Didi told Inside Edition.

The couple thought they might die.

“All of the kitchen cabinetry collapsed on Didi, and the whole collapsed, obviously, on us,” James said.

James and Didi Fritts were trapped in the debris. Adding to their nightmare, they were unsure what happened to their two Labrador retrievers, Lilly and Sammy.

“I heard Lilly cry and that was it,” Didi said.

James was rescued and gave the OK sign as he was carried away on a stretcher.

Nearly a week after the collapse, the couple returned to what was left of their home, hoping for signs of life from their dogs.

“I heard this whimper, really faint whimper. And I was like, ‘Sammy?’” James said.

A neighbor emerged atop the rubble cradling Sammy, who was trapped behind a refrigerator. Unfortunately, Lilly did not survive. 

The neighbor came down a ladder with Sammy in his arms. Didi’s screams of joy were captured in a video of the tearful reunion.

The couple didn't have landslide insurance. A GoFundMe has been set up to help them.

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