Why This Teen Bitten by Shark Is Smiling: Today on Inside Edition

Jackie Jozaitis said she was boogie-boarding when she felt a sharp pain on her heel. But she hasn't let it get her down.

A 16-year-old who was bitten by a shark is making the best of a bad situation. 

Jackie Jozaitis said she was boogie-boarding when she felt a sharp pain on her heel. How her friends are helping her stay positive. 

A black realtor and a prospective buyer sued the city of Cincinnati after they were detained by cops who'd gotten a call from a neighbor mistakenly believing they were trying to break into the home. Why the police union says the officers acted appropriately.

A pint-size baseball coach for the Kalamazoo Growlers sometimes hilariously lets his temper get the best of him. What led the 6-year-old to get ejected from a recent game. 

And a gospel rapper is suing Katy Perry, claiming she plagiarized her hit "Dark Horse."

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