Oregon Pilot Proposes to Girlfriend Mid-Flight: 'I Love You With All My Heart'

The pilot took multitasking to a whole new level.

Love was in the air for an Oregon couple as a woman's pilot boyfriend surprised her with a proposal in the middle of a flight.

The woman was recently sitting in the co-pilot's seat of the small Cessna airplane, as her boyfriend took her on a quick flight with stunning views of the Beaver State. 

As they flew over a beach, her boyfriend asked her to look out the window. 

In the sand below, he had written "Marry Me Nayia?" As she sat in shock, he pulled out the ring and proposed while piloting the aircraft.

“I love you, I love you — I love you with all of my heart,” the multitasking pilot told her. 

She smiled and had tears in her eyes and he landed the plane on the beach. He formally proposed as he got down on bended knee outside the plane.

As one would imagine from the grand gesture, she said yes.