Sons Wish Dad Happy Birthday With Huge Billboard

A 62-year-old dad was surprised when strangers — and celebrities — started wishing him a happy birthday.

Two sons wanted to celebrate their father’s 62nd birthday in a big way, so they rented a billboard in his honor

Unbeknownst to their father, Chris Ferry’s sons rented a billboard in New Jersey that read “Wish My Dad Happy Birthday — Love, Your Sons,” and provided his phone number as well as a photo of him on the sign near Atlantic City.  

It cost them $2,000 and Ferry's phone has been ringing off the hook.

"Every state in the Union, Luxemburg, Kenya, Philippines, Caritas Island – that little island in the middle of the Indian Ocean, they tried calling me," Ferry told Inside Edition. 

Evem Kelly Ripa and Ryan Seacrest tried to call Tuesday morning on ABC's "Live," but to no one's surprise, Ferry's mailbox was full. 

He first got a text message from someone named Nick, who wished him happy birthday, his sons told Inside Edition. 

"I said, ‘Who is this? I don’t recognize the number.’ ‘Nick,’ [they said]. ‘Nick who?’ ‘You don’t know me but heard it is going to be your birthday, I saw it on a billboard,'" he recalled. 

After that first call, Ferry rushed out to see the billboard and took a selfie. He said he can’t say his Biblical reaction.

The sons say that the billboard will be up until their father’s birthday on March 16 but could stay up for a month.

Ferry admitted that he doesn't know how many more calls he can get and when he sees his sons, he joked, "they are gonna get it!"