Turkey-Herding Collie Keeps 1,400 Birds in Line on English Farm

Molly the collie has a big job: She keeps some 1,400 turkeys in line to protect them from hungry foxes.

Molly the collie has a big job: She keeps some 1,400 turkeys in line to protect them from hungry foxes. 

In video recorded in 2017, Molly can be seen showing off her talent for rounding up the fowl on the Northern England farm. What would take human beings hours to do, Molly can do in about 20 minutes, according to her owner, John Wright.

"Without Molly, my job would be very hard," Wright said. 

Every evening, Molly herds the birds into their shed for the night, where they are shielded from turkey-loving predators.

But Molly's more than just a co-worker for Wright, she's family. "We've been best friends for many years, she lives with me in the bath house," he said.

"She's a good companion, couldn't manage without her."