Window Washers Don Superhero Costumes for Work at Iowa Children's Hospital: 'You Brighten the Kids' Day'

Not all heroes wear capes, and some have squeegees.

A group of Iowa window washers became superheroes in real life as they surprised patients at a children’s hospital while dressed as comic book characters.

They donned the outfits of The Flash, Batman, Captain America and Spider-Man and shared high fives through glass as they cleaned the windows of The Blank Children's Hospital in Des Moines.

The kids at were thrilled to see the superheroes, who are all employees of Larry's Window Services and clearly enjoy the work. 

“I like the reaction on their faces when we coming down,” Chuck, who donned the Spider-Man suit, told Inside Edition. 

The window washers also play games like tic-tac-toe on the glass with the kids in the hospital to help them forget about their problems. 

Blank Children's Hospital Marketing Communications Supervisor Amy Varcoe said that superheroes are always recognizable, regardless of a patient's background. 

“No matter where you are from, you know the superheroes — the excitement, the joy," she said.