YouTube Was Originally Meant to Be a Dating Site, and Other Things You Didn't Know

Its slogan? "Tune in, hook up."

YouTube officially kicked off in 2005 with a video of one of its founders at a zoo, but did you know it was originally meant to be a dating site?

“Their tagline was, 'Tune in and hook up,'” lifestyle expert Barbara Majeski told Inside Edition. “It totally struggled so much that they put an ad on Craigslist offering people $20 to just post a video.

"It didn't work out," added Majeski, "but look what it is today.” 

The platform now has nearly 2 billion daily users, which is more than Gmail and just about on par with Facebook. 

That's not the only little-known fact you might be surprised by. For example, kids have been playing with Play-Doh for generations but did you know it was originally meant to be a cleaning tool?

“Play-Doh was originally invented to clean soot off of wall paper,” Majeski said. “Once wallpaper became vinyl they had to find another use for Play-Doh and that's when it became a toy.” 

There are other common household items that started out as something else before evolving and becoming a part our everyday lives

Bubble wrap had a strange origin as well.

“Bubble wrap was originally invented in the 1950s as wallpaper, and when it didn’t take traction, it found its purpose packaging the first computers,” Majeski said. 

She also performed a little science experiment involving Coca-Cola and Diet Coke. 

“All sodas are not created equal. We've got Diet Coke and Coke,” she said. 

She placed both cans of soda in a tub of water, and the Coke sunk to the bottom while the Diet Coke can floated on top. 

She said the can of Coke sinks because of its sugar content, which makes it denser than water.